
  1. Publication Play Is Forever
    The purpose of this brochure is to increase understanding about the benefits of play for people of all ages and illustrate how play and toys can successfully be used to enhance intergenerational relationships.
  2. Publication Adoption and Guardianship for Children in Kinship Foster Care
    Generations United with support from the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, created the following brief, national comparison chart, and state-specific charts that focus on adoption and guardianship for children in kinship foster care so that these children can exit foster care into permanent families.
  3. News Article Intergenerational Resources Now Available in Spanish – Recursos intergeneracionales ahora disponibles en español
    Generations United is pleased to share that our latest set of intergenerational resources, developed with support from RRF Foundation for Aging, are now available in Spanish.
  4. Hoja informativa de COVID-19 para familias extendidas y familias multigeneracionales
    Esta hoja de datos se actualizó en junio y proporciona información para que las abuelas se mantengan saludables, informadas y conectadas durante la pandemia de COVID-19.
  5. Project Grandfamilies COVID-19 Response Fund
    To meet the urgent unmet needs of grandfamilies, Generations United created the Grandfamilies COVID-19 Response Fund to receive and disseminate funds to local nonprofit service providers to directly support grandfamilies.
  6. Lifespan Respite
    Respite is a service that provides a temporary break between the family caregiver and the care recipient. Family caregivers need to have sufficient and regular amounts of respite time. Unfortunately, they often do not because it is frequently too expensive or unavailable or they do not know how to access it.