Our Resources

Generations United publishes a variety of high-quality materials available for free from our Resource Library.

Generations United resources include:

You can visit the Resource Library by clicking the link or the words “Resource Library” in the upper right-hand corner of this website. Once there, you can sort by topic or resource type to find the information you need. You can also click on the search icon in the upper right-hand corner to search by keywords or title.

The following is a sample of our resources:

Signature Reports
Generations United tackles current issues from an intergenerational solutions perspective, conducting signature research and producing reports analyzing issues, articulating clear recommendations and conveying personal stories.
State of Grandfamilies in America Annual Reports
This report series shines a light on the challenges grandfamilies face and the incredible service they provide our country. Each report includes infographics that show the latest data on the number of children who live in grandfamilies and offers recommendations to help guide the development of supportive policies and services for grandfamilies. Each issue has a unique focus on a particular issue affecting the families.