
Federal Funding Opportunities for Intergenerational Shared Sites

This chart is designed to share some of the federal funding sources that include — or could include — support for intergenerational shared sites.

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Relationships, ingenuity, and persistence is a consistent thread that is found in intergenerational shared site programs. While the Older Americans Act provides specified funding to support shared site programming, the limited federal funding appropriated to these programs constricts their reach.

It is more typical to have a combination of private philanthropy together with federal, state, and community funding to support shared site activities. Construction of intergenerational sites have distinctly different funding sources than the ongoing operating resources necessary to maintain or expand programming. However big or small, all require strong relationships throughout government agencies that allow for the opportunity to use a combination of funding sources to support intergenerational activities.

This chart, created with support from The Eisner Foundation, provides an overview of federal programs that support – or could support – the development of intergenerational shared sites.

To learn more about intergenerational opportunities that have been expanded or newly created through the 2020 reauthorization of the Older Americans Act, download the fact sheet.